About Road Dogs Comedy

Road Dogs Comedy Specializes in high quality Comedy Shows for special events and clubs that cater to a specific group. We have produced shows in the United States and Canada

We are NOT a typical entertainment booking agency. A typical agency will contract to provide a show for an event then find performers to perform that show. Road Dogs Comedy puts together a show of incredibly talented comedians that are well matched. Then Road Dogs Comedy finds the events these performers are well suited for.

Road Dogs Comedy will produce a show that will draw the kind of crowd you're looking for. People that want to get out for an evening of fun without worrying about being in the midst of a bar full of rowdy people.

This will give you the opportunity to promote your business and create good will for the next time they are in your area. They'll remember their positive experience and be more inclined to stop in again.

Our comedians have done thousands of shows and are true professionals. They show up on time, perform a great show and are easy to work with. Once you have booked a show all you have to do is start the promotions, sell the tickets and make sure the room is ready on the day of the event. Road Dogs Comedy will take care of the rest. You provide the seating and a stage area and we will provide everything else down to the lights and sound. We will even provide you with high quality promotional material.

Book a Road Dogs Comedy Show. It will be the talk of the event weekend.